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Krzysztof Stanisławski


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Dr. Krzysztof Stanisławski earned his PhD in psychology from Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland.

He developed an original theory of Coping Circumplex Model (CCM), which is primarily conceived as a broad integration of coping phenomena, but may also be regarded as a general self-regulation model. The CCM may be applied to meaningfully organize phenomena of perceived stress and coping resources (e.g., perceived social support). Moreover, it can be interpreted as a theoretical bridge between coping and social psychology (e.g., CCM styles as mediators between dark triad and promiscuity). Finally, the CCM may be used to optimally select coping depending on the conditions of the situation (e.g., perceived controllability).


Research interest:

  • coping and stress

  • emotion regulation

  • coping and health resources

  • social and evolutionary psychology

  • sport psychology

  • research methods (e.g., diary studies) and statistical analyses (e.g., circumplex analysis, CFA, MG CFA)



Development and validation of the situational version of the Coping Circumplex

Inventory (2023-2024). 2023/07/X/HS6/00393. Miniatura 7. Grant awarded by Polish National Science Center. 






Stanisławski, K. (2022). The Coping Circumplex Model: A Theoretical Synthesis of Coping Constructs and Its Empirical Verification. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW.




Stanisławski, K., Cieciuch, J., Strus, W. (2021). Ellipse rather than a circumplex: A systematic test of various circumplexes of emotions. Personality and Individual Differences, 181, article 111052.


Stanisławski, K. (2019). The Coping Circumplex Model: An integrative model of the structure of coping with stress. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(694), 1–23.


Stanisławski, K., Strus, W., Cieciuch, J. (2017). Polska adaptacja kwestionariusza CSIE Locke’a do pomiaru poczucia skuteczności interpersonalnej i jego osobowościowe korelaty [The Polish adaptation of Locke’s CSIE questionnaire measuring interpersonal efficacy and its personality correlates]. Studia Psychologica, 17(2), 89–115.


Stanisławski, K. (2014). Wpływ stresu na emocje i motywacje. Badania quasi-eksperymentalne [The impact of stress on emotion and motivation. Quasi-experimental research]. In E. Topolewska, S. Skrzek, & E. Skimina (Eds.), Młoda psychologia [Young psychology] (pp. 9-29). Liberi Libri.


Stanisławski, K. (2012). Prace nad polską adaptacją kwestionariusza kompetencji interpersonalnych CSIE Locke’a [Preliminary Polish adaptation of Lock’s Circumplex Scales of Interpersonal Efficacy]. In E. Drop & M. Maćkiewicz (Eds.), Młoda psychologia [Young psychology] (pp. 133-147). Liberi Libri.

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