Dates & Fees
Date of the conference: 14th to 17th May 2025
Workshops date: 14th May
Abstract submission deadline: 16th March 2025
Conference fees:
Early bird price (until 30th March 2025) Late price (until 1th May 2025):
Regular fee: € 225 | PLN 970 Regular fee: € 275 | PLN 1185
Low-income countries: € 140 |PLN 600 Low-income countries: € 190 |PLN 820
MA/PhD Student fee: € 100 | PLN 430 MA/PhD Student fee: € 120 | PLN 520
Each workshop fee: € 40 | PLN 175 Each workshop fee: € 55 | PLN 235
Cancelation policy:
In case you just have paid the fee and would like to withdraw please contact us directly: selfenhancement2025@gmail.com
Please use the following data for bank transfers:
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
ul. Dewajtis 5, 01-815 Warszawa
title: Name and surname of a participant, Between narcissism and entitlement: Self-enhancement in a cross-cultural perspective III
e.g., Stanley Kowalski, Between narcissism and entitlement: Self-enhancement in a cross-cultural perspective III
Please make sure that your full name and formula "Between narcissism and entitlement: Self-enhancement in a cross-cultural perspective III" appears in the transfer title – otherwise, we won't be able to identify the payment.
Presentation types & Registration
Oral presentation:
Full length – Up to 15 minutes full presentation including theoretical background, methods, results, and discussion session
Data Blitz (rapid session) – Up to 5 minutes short presentation focused on data
Symposia: 20 minutes for presentation with discussion, 4-5 presenters, including an organizer/chairperson
Paper Sessions: 15 minutes for presentation; paper sessions are composed of individual papers
Posters: The poster size should be 841 mm x 1189 mm (A0 format), vertical orientation
Note: English language is compulsory at the conference
Please fill both abstract submission and registration forms while submitting your own presentation