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How Does the Narcissistic Mind Work? The Role of Beliefs About Intelligence in Narcissism

Narcissism has been rarely studied in the context of cognitive processes. The existing evidence
suggests that the general cognitive bias in grandiose narcissism is associated with high approach
motivation for positive-agentic information. One of the agentic attributes important for those with
high grnadiose narcissism is intelligence. Intelligence is a an ability associated with high social status
as it leads to success in education, work, income, health, and even lifespan. Moreover, research
shows that positive beliefs about intelligence influence self-esteem, well-being, and academic
achievement beyond objective intelligence. Our studies indicate that beliefs about intelligence play a
crucial role in grandiose narcissism. This type of narcissism consists of two dimensions: agency (the
drive for admiration) and antagonism (devaluing others). Narcissistic ndividuals use perceived
intelligence both for self-promotion (agentic narcissism) and to express negative emotions toward
others (antagonistic narcissism). The findings suggest that a positive self-view of one's abilities is
essential for psychological well-being but may have a narcissistic basis.

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Marcin Zajenkowski

University of Warsaw Poland

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